Monday, July 2, 2012

     Health Care Reform

Advantage Care Chiropractic

            Dr. Henry Cardenas

The Health Care Reforms was upheld by Congress on the basis that it is a tax. This is similar to the "tax" we are required to pay for medicare and social security.

In concept, the idea that every American should have health coverage is something that I believe is a good principle. There are 50 nations that have Universal Health Coverage. This includes all industrialized nations and several developing nations. Even the African nation of Rwanda has Universal coverage for all its citizens.

The real question is how do we pay for this coverage? In some ways we already pay for this coverage. Everytime an uninsured person goes to the Emergency Room, the rest of us pay for their care through higher premiums and taxes for social programs and services.

The next question is who will administer this coverage? The goverment or the private sector? If the goverment runs the program like medicare, we are in trouble. If the private sector runs it in the 'for profit model', we are in trouble.

Chiropractic Services will continue to be offered under the current plan of Health Care Reform. The bureaucracy is expected to increase with a correlated decrease in reimbursements to the provider.

In the end, while more of us will have coverage, we will all most likely be paying more for insurance for less service.

The best insurance that you can to stay healthy. Being healthy is less expensive and provides for a better qualtity of life.

This is where Chiropractic can help. Your nervous system controls the functions of your entire body. If there is any irritation or pressure on your spinal nerves, the nerve signals from your brain could be altered. This will affect how your organs, glads, muscles and tissues of your body function.  An extreme example would be someone that is paralyzed. Their legs no longer function and they may have lost bladder and bowel control.

Even a small loss of function affects your health and well-being. By identifying where the pressure on your nerves may be, we can correct the spinal misaglinment to remove the nerve irritation thus restoring body functions. It is the same as getting your car tuned-up. Now the car runs the way it used to run. We can do the same for your body. Get it to run the way it used to run, so you can have better health.

See your Chiropractor, get adjusted, and live healthy.

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